Managing Partner

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Gavin also advises individuals and business owners on many and varied matters including employee relations, employment contracts, supply agreements, shareholders and partnership agreements, terms of trade, insurance contracts, franchise agreements, restraints of trade, joint ventures, contractor agreements, confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements, etc.

Gavin also manages our Criminal Law team.

Gavin’s approach

Gavin is a pragmatist, whose goal is to provide his clients with sound advice and useful recommendations.

When advising about dispute resolution, he takes the view that clients should choose their battles carefully and should not lose sight of the big picture.

When advising business owners on operational matter, he takes the view that with 25+ years working as a litigator he has acquired much knowledge about the perils of doing business, and it is incumbent on him to forewarn his clients about them.

Locations Gavin services

Gavin assists business owners all across NSW.

Practice Areas


  • Diploma in Law
  • Advanced Diploma in Business Management


What Our Clients Say

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