
Gavin Hanrahan: Hello, my name is Gavin Hanrahan. I’m the managing partner of Turnbull Hill Lawyers, and I’ve been a litigation lawyer for 25 years. That means for 25 years I’ve been acting for parties in disputes. In those 25 years, I’ve learned a lot of lessons about how people could have done things better and differently, and more probably than not, had a better outcome out of the dispute.

There is one compelling lesson, and that is speak to a lawyer as early as possible. What the lawyer can do is give you the knowledge you need to be able to make informed decisions and take control of your situation. Whether that’s as a claimant against an insurance company, or as a defendant in some commercial litigation. If you find yourself in a dispute, and you want to learn more about your rights and obligations so that you can take control of your situation, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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