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Travelling during the holiday period? Do you have Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship documents in place, as well as your Will?

The New Year and holidays come with much excitement.  Families often take the opportunity to catch up with relatives, and travel.

The start of 2018 is also a great time to make sure you have checked everything off your “to do” list and take stock of your current situation.

If you and your family are heading overseas or travelling on the road, it’s important that your estate planning documents are in order. If you are stuck overseas or in trouble, you need to have a Power of Attorney and an Enduring Guardianship in place so that the people you have nominated can help you. The problem is when you need these documents you cannot make them, so make sure you prioritise your time to see your lawyer to get these important documents in place before you head overseas or go on a road trip, so that you can ensure you and your loved ones will be taken care of, and that what you want to happen will, in fact, happen.

Most of us mean to make a Will or up-date an existing Will but, as we are all time-poor, this can often be put to the bottom of the list. If you need to make a Will or you know your existing Will is out of date (eg. your Executors are your elderly parents or you have guardians for your now adult children, etc.), there is no better time to get everything organised than now!

If you need help getting your affairs in order, or would like advice on whether your estate and family are currently adequately protected, click here to view a list of estate planning services Turnbull Hill offer, and contact our expert team.

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