Traffic Offences NSW Criminal Driving Lawyers

From 1 January 2013, registration labels in NSW are no longer a legal requirement for light vehicles, including cars, motorcycles and trailers up to a gross vehicle mass of 4.5 tonnes.

It’s not an offence to keep your old registration label on your car.

However, after 1 January 2013, all registration labels on light vehicles can be removed.

The RMS (previously the RTA) will no longer generate registration labels for light vehicles from 1 January 2013. When you receive your new registration papers, a sticker will not be attached.

Whilst it is not a legal requirement to display a registration sticker, all light vehicles, including cars, motorcycles and trailers, must still be registered.

NSW Police have sophisticated automatic detection cameras, which scan a vehicle’s number plate and will alert police if a vehicle is not registered. You can check the registration status of a vehicle any time by completing a free registration check at Service NSW.

Heavy vehicles over 4.5 tonnes, which include most public buses, vehicles registered under the conditional registration scheme and vehicles using an unregistered vehicle permit, will still need to display a registration label.

It is important to reinforce that it’s the responsibility of the driver of any vehicle to ensure that the vehicle they’re driving is registered. It will remain an offence to drive an unregistered vehicle which, if dealt with by way of infringement notice, can result in a fine of $530 or, if the matter proceeds to Court, a fine of $2,200.

You are lawfully able to drive NSW light vehicles without a registration label displayed in all other States and Territories.

See Also: Traffic Law – Common Offences and Penalties

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