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Our online tool will help you understand where you stand, and what might come next. It will also gather important information from you to commence your relationship with us. It helps take the hassle out of admin and put the focus back on what really matters – getting you a great result!

Family Law

Get a personalised action plan in a matter of minutes

Wills & Estate Planning

Start planning your legacy today with our easy-to-use platform

Contested estates

Looking to contest a will, challenge a will or defend a will in NSW?

This questionnaire gathers the information needed to prepare for your legal matter. It is information that we would traditionally have gathered from you in our first consultation. By filling out the questionnaire at home, the time saved on the intake of your documents and information can be put towards the core issues and outcomes in your matters when you come in to see us.

You will also find there is useful information embedded in the questionnaire. It may take up to 15-20 minutes to complete, however, you can do it in stages and your progress will be automatically saved.

The system is completely secure, and you can be assured that any information provided is protected as if you handed the documents to the solicitor yourself.

Once you have completed the questionnaire, we will receive a notification and one of our friendly team will be in contact with you to discuss the next steps within 48 hours.

If you decide not to engage us as your lawyer, and you would like us to delete the information you have completed, please click here to email our team and we will action this for you. If you don’t feel comfortable completing the questionnaire, that is absolutely fine. Please contact our office and ask to speak to one of our lawyers on 02 4904 8000.

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We respond in 24 hours or less!*

*During regular business hours

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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